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Call for papers’ 2014

Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre would like to invite young theatre critics (up to age 35) to participate in the fourth edition of the International conference for young theatre critics held in Vilnius.

Three years in a row this Conference is gathering a variety of students from different countries to discuss the specifics of different topics concerning theatre. This year the theme of the Conference is planned to be “REC: on stage”.

The deadline for the proposals to be sent is the 1st of June. You can find more information in the attachment.

The 4th International conference for young theatre critics: REC: on stage will take place from 2nd till 4th of October. At the same time the international theatre festival “Sirenos” will be held in Vilnius for the 11th time already. The participants of the conference will be provided with free passes to the performances of Lithuanian showcase of the festival.

This year the Conference will have two guests: Patrice Pavis (France) and Willmar Sauter (Sweeden), who will lead workshops/lectures/discussions where the participants of the Conference will have the opportunity to participate free of charge.

Further details in the attachement!